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Warehouse Receipt-Provision-Fixed Value Liability (Type 1)


No article will be accepted for storage by the warehouseman unless a fair valuation is placed on the article by the depositor. The rate charged the depositor is based on this declared or agreed-on valuation.

The declared or agreed-on valuation of each article stored under this agreement is $[Declared value per article] Dollars per article or item of which there are a total of such articles or items for a gross valuation of $ [Gross Valuation] Dollars. The depositor warrants that no article or item stored in this lot, or later received for the account of the depositor, exceeds this stated amount.

The warehouseman's liability for any cause that would make it liable for loss or damage, while such goods are in its possession, shall not exceed $[Amount not to exceed] Dollars per article or item, unless depositor fixes a greater value and agrees to pay an additional charge of [Additional charge] cents per $[Excess valuation] Dollars of excess valuation per article or item.

This is a UCC Form. It is intended to supplement other forms.